Estimate your potential earnings on eBay with Kronozio connector
To fill:
Average value of your cards $
Quantity of cards for sale on eBay per month
Percentage of cards sold per month %
Save time by using Kronozio documentation?
Approximation of fees excluding your shipping charges
Cost for Kronozio connector


Cost of Kronozio documentation (0.05$)


eBay/Paypal selling fees (approx)


eBay store fees


Potential Sales


Money in your pocket:


Time saved by using Kronocard:


Approximative sales fees


If you put more cards, what would happen?

500 cards per month


1000 cards per month


2500 cards per month


5000 cards per month


10000 cards per month


Note: These calculations are for guidance only and the results cannot be guaranteed. Fees can change at any time.